Rainy Day Activities for Those April Showers
It’s April!
We all know the saying “April showers bring May flowers” so be prepared for the rain. This weekends blog is about things you can do on a rainy day. They are all indoor activities but don’t be afraid to go have fun outside too! Just make sure there is no thunder or lightning. If you can hear thunder the storm is close enough that you can get hit by lightning. Jumping in puddles can be fun along with counting how many worms you can find. After it’s done raining and everything is drying up you can go outside and help the worms back into the grass so they don’t dry up on the pavement.
Indoor Hopscotch
What You Need: Create the hopscotch board on the floor with masking tape
Marker – Bean bag, Stone or Coin
How to Play: Taking turns, each person throws their marker and tries to get it to land in box 1. When you get it to land in box one you then hop over box one to boxes 2 and 3 and keep going to box 10. You then turn around and come back. When you get to your marker pick it up. If you successfully made it up and down the board without falling and got your marker you get another turn. This time you throw your marker to box 2. You now can’t step on box 2. You continue your turns until you fail to either complete the board or fail to grab your marker.
The first person to get through all 10 numbers wins.
Make a Movie or Play
What You Need: 2-bags
- 1 bag with slips of paper saying random objects
- 1 bag with slips of paper saying a genre
How to Play: Make teams and each team uses their slips of paper to make a movie or play
Indoor Camping
Build a fort and do fun activities inside it
What You Need: sheets, blankets, pillows and/or a cardboard box
Water Bottle Bowling
What You Need: take 10 water bottles and put about an inch of water in each one. Make sure the caps are on tight. Line the bottles up in a triangle formation.
How to Play: Take turns rolling a ball to knock down the pins. You can keep score if you want. Each player gets to roll the ball 2 times before it is the next persons turn.
Pencil & Paper Games
- Tic-tac-toe
- Pictionary
- Categories
- Hangman
Card Games
- War
- Uno
- Go fish
- Cheat
Board Games
- Chutes and Ladders
- The Game of Life
- Twister
- Monopoly
- Sorry
- Put them together by yourself or as a group.
- Have races with the puzzles.
- See who can put them together the fastest by themselves or in pairs or in a group.
Freeze Dance
- One person is in charge of the music while everyone else gets to dance.
- When the music person stops the music, everyone dancing must freeze in whatever position they are in.
- If you move, then you are out.
- The music person can stop and start the music as much as they want.
The last person standing wins.
Simon Says
- One person is Simon.
- Everyone else must follow what “Simon” says if the sentence starts with “Simon says” if the sentence doesn’t start with “Simon says” then you must continue doing what the last command was.
- Simon can try and confuse the other players by not doing what they say. If they say pat your head, they can rub their belly to try and get someone to mess up.
- If you mess up, you are out.
The last person standing gets to be Simon in the next round.
Hide and Seek
- One person is “it” and counts to 30 while everyone else hides.
- The person who is “it” then has to find everyone.
- The first person to be found is “it” in the next round.
Treasure Hunt
- Someone hides something in the house and leaves clues for everyone else to follow.
- The clues should lead to the other clues.
- Everyone sits in a line.
- One person at the end of the line thinks of a sentence and whispers it in the ear of the person next to them.
- That person then turns and whispers the sentence in the person next to them’s ear.
- This continues down the line.
- The last person says the sentence out loud.
- The person who came up with the sentence says if it is right or wrong.
- If it was wrong they say what the sentence was supposed to be.