St. Patrick’s Day is Tomorrow!

Do you get decked out in green and go see a parade?  I was in my high schools marching band as the banner holder, we marched in a big St. Patrick’s Day parade every year.  Usually it was cold and either snowy or rainy, but we always had a blast.  If you do go to see a parade which part of the parade is your favorite?  Let us know in the comments section of the Facebook post.  Does a leprechaun visit your house? We have one that comes to our house and leaves green foot prints on the toilet seat and fake gold coins all around the house.  When I was in third grade a leprechaun came to our class room during lunch and put green streamers on our lockers, flipped our desks upside down or stacked them on top of each other, and wrote all over our chalk board.  Have fun celebrating St. Patrick’s Day!  Martin Harding and Mazzotti will be having the free cab ride home program running on the 17th.

Things a leprechaun might do to your house:

  • Overturn chairs or other furniture
  • Empty clothes drawers
  • Move books or vases or lamps
  • Turn pictures or paintings upside down
  • Toilet paper the kitchen
  • Leave green footprints around the house in washable green paint
  • Leave green pee in the toilet (blue and yellow food coloring)
  • Leave fake gold coins or chocolate coins around the house
  • Leave a box of lucky charms
  • Leave green dyed flowers in the kitchen
  • Leave shamrocks in the kitchen
  • Leave a limerick note about what went on that night
    • Limerick is a verse of 3 long lines and then 2 short lines using the rhyming scheme of AABBA

Things a leprechaun might do to your classroom:

  • Flip over chairs
  • Flip over desks
  • Put chairs on top of desks
  • Leave green footprints everywhere, even on the white board
  • Change name tags to say “Mc (child’s name)” or “O’ (child’s name)
  • Turn the posters upside down and sideways
  • Leave green streamers on everything
  • Turning books upside down
  • Taking all St. Patrick’s Day themed books and laying them out on the floor
  • Replaced the map of the U.S. with a map of Ireland
Free Cab Ride Home on St. Patrick's Day - Infographic - Martin, Harding & Mazzotti 1800law1010